Microsoft hit the trillion-dollar worth mark on Thursday for the first time, getting the third tech giant to get to the symbolic milestone. Shares in Microsoft rallied some five per cent to $US130.59 ($A186.32) in ancient Wall Street trade after robust earnings report a day before. At its present levels, […]
At the height of his racket, Feezan Hameed Choudhary was pulling in a staggering $2.8 million monthly as the ringleader of the UK’s biggest-ever cyber scam. Choudhary’s infamous”vishing” fraud that ended up scheming 750 British bank customers from a joint $210 million has been completed thanks to the 28-year-old’s uncanny […]
The Australian dollar has dropped to a four-month low after a sharp drop in March building approvals data was worse than punters had predicted. The building of new houses was down 15.5 per cent, weighed down by a decline in approvals of units and townhouses. Economists had predicted a fall […]
Global timeshare company Uber might be forced to shell out hundreds of millions of dollars in case a class action started by thousands of Australian taxi and hire car drivers is successful. Over 6000 people have joined the activity, covering drivers around Victoria, NSW, Queensland and Western Australia. The action […]